Page TA98 A1, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

general anatomy

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Home page TA98 partonomy
Current level general anatomy Extended Trace
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
TA98 partonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
general terms 47 children
nomina generalia
parts of human body 53 children
partes corporis humani
plana, linea et regiones
4 lines
Type of list A1 for TA98
List Unit Identifier 9611
Sublist 1 99 plana, linea et regiones 0/160 on 30.5.2022
Sublist 2 9602 partes corporis humani 0/53 on 30.5.2022
Sublist 3 13111 nomina generalia anatomiae generalis 0/47 on 30.5.2022
Subtotals subunits 260
Proper units 1
Number of units 261 (validated)
Signature 10752 (validated since 18.8.2023)
Date: 18.08.2023